Sunday, June 24, 2012

Arrrrr, We Be Leaving Soon!

Pirate Ian has been cleared by the neurologist and is ready to go!

We were able to get an appointment with a wonderful neurologist yesterday who asked a ton of questions and looked at the little dude's MRI. Officially, it seems that he has an over active immune system that, while fighting the virus that was making him sick last week, attacked the myelin coating on the number 6 nerve that controls eye movement in his left eye. It will heal, given time, but as the myelin has to re-grow completely, it could take 4-6 and even possibly 8 weeks. He will have to have a follow up MRI when we get home, but there is no reason why we can't enjoy our summer plans. In the mean time, he has to wear an eye patch on and off over the good eye, so that the left eye doesn't become lazy as it heals. The doctor also told him to say Arrrrr a lot and to maybe look into getting a parrot. If he calls me a scurvy wench I'm totally leaving him at Alcatraz.

So, the countdown is back on and we're inside 3 days! We have a few more reservations to make, a couple of things to fix and a whole lot of packing to do. The only major thing still not working is the oven. The husband called again yesterday and they believe the parts may come in on Monday. I believe we will be traveling without an oven...

We finished up the last building project a few days ago. Since we put in the jack knife bed, the aisle was too narrow for the original ladder we had to get up to the bunk above the cab, so the husband and the little dude designed and built a new one. They did a great job and it looks really cool! The little dude loved helping to varnish it.

The next couple of days will be spent looking over what we need to take, what we want to take, and what we can do without. We have lots of packing to do. The boys are looking forward to some museum time with their cousins as they have been told that the science museum has a Mythbusters exhibit right now!! How perfectly cool is that!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

In Limbo

Another school year has ended.  This year the teen finished middle school and will be heading off to high school in the fall, and the middle guy graduated from 5th grade today.  Middle school here we come!  Next year I'll have one kid at 3 different schools.  Let the good times roll!  I took some pictures at 8th grade graduation last week and this one is my favorite, the teen with his 5th grade teacher.

They were just about the same height when he was in her class. 

Here's my favorite picture from today, the middle guy at his award ceremony with Grandma and Grandpa.

And another one of the middle guy with all three fabulous 5th grade teachers.

We are down under the one week mark until we had originally planned to leave, but right now all our travel plans are on hold.  The little dude is feeling much better, but is still having problems with one eye.  We took him for an MRI on Monday which indicated an abnormality in one nerve leading to one of the muscles that controls his eye movement.  The pediatrician said it could very well be caused by whatever virus he had last week, and that it may go away on its own, but that he needs to see a pediatric neurologist before we leave.  The earliest appointment they were able to get is not until July 2nd, so now we hope for a cancellation to get him in sooner.  Keep your fingers crossed that we can get him in and that he's soon cleared for travel.

Friday, June 15, 2012

12 Days

WoooooHooooo! We passed our New York State inspection and the King is ready to go!

**so, apparently the original picture I had here was of the registration, not the inspection. Here's the inspection sticker...

In a little twist of irony, the husbands truck did NOT pass inspection and needed some repairs, so on Monday he had to head out and pick the boys up from school in the motor home. Anyone who has ever tried to navigate a busy school parking lot at dismissal knows it's hard enough to dodge buses, pedestrians and other parents in a regular sized vehicle. It's impossible to be inconspicuous in that situation in a 27 foot, 1985 motor home and apparently he drew a bit of a crowd. The boys thought it was awesome though, and would probably enjoy this type of ride everyday!

We haven't exactly had a problem free week though. The little dude wasn't feeling great last weekend and by Monday night he had a sore throat and headache so we knew he had something going on. I took him in for a strep test, which came back negative, so we figured whatever it was would run its course in another day or two. It didn't, and yesterday afternoon he appeared to have developed some kind of eye infection, so back to the pediatrician we went. They quickly ruled out an infection or an injury, as he had spent most of the week laying on the couch, but were very concerned that his eyelid was drooping and he couldn't follow a moving object with his left eye. They called and sent us to an Ophthalmologist last night and now we are waiting for an insurance referral for an MRI early next week. The doctor we saw believes that whatever virus was making him sick earlier in the week is now affecting the nerves that control the muscles around his eye and as the virus clears up, his eye will too. The MRI is just a precaution, but could hold us up depending on what they find. He's feeling better, though we'll be keeping things on the quiet side this weekend. Tonight the husband took the teen to scout camp for the weekend and the middle guy was at the fifth grade pool and pizza party, so the little dude and I snuggled on the couch, popped some popcorn and watched a movie. It was a nice way to spend an evening, and we're hoping to get back on track early next week! Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well.

I have finally finished up some new cushions for the King, they came out pretty well, with some help from my mom and dad!

We will be cleaning up and setting up the inside of the King this weekend, and I'll try to get some more pictures! We're hoping for a more uneventful last week of school and a trouble free departure in just 12 days!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Love the Mailman

Because today he brought me lots of fun boxes!!
I had some fun on this weekend!  There were a few things we needed and a few others that we thought would be fun to have, and for the most part the shipping is free.  The teen helped open the boxes after school.  I bought this tea kettle for the husband.  It weighs next to nothing and he'll be able to use it on backpacking trips with the boy scouts.  I also bought a collapsible drip coffee maker to satisfy my caffeine addiction.  And we learned last year that a single pie iron just doesn't cut it for a family of 5, unless you're good with spending about 2 hours cooking dinner over an open fire.  I found a double one that should speed up the dinner preparations considerably.  It came with some pretty interesting recipes that we're looking forward to trying!

Of course, with three boys in scouting I have several bags of boy scout popcorn in the house and the air popper gets a pretty good workout many Friday nights.  But, this summer we won't always have electricity, so I was really excited to find this

   It's an old timey, shake it over fire, long handled popcorn popper!!  It took the husband a little bit to figure out how to attach the handle, but when taken apart it stores in a pretty small space.  Can't wait to try it out!  Finally, I bought a package of 4 travel bugs to use when we go geocaching

We're going to start one off here in the Buffalo area this weekend, plan to start another one in the south west, one in California, and the last one in the plains on our way back east.  It should be interesting for the boys to follow them and see where they go!!

The King is heading back to the mechanic on Monday for it's New York State inspection.  Hopefully we get the a-okay that everything has been safely repaired and we're ready to go.  Keep your fingers crossed that it passes 

Sunday, June 3, 2012


I had a panic attack Friday morning, standing in my 1st period class when the student on the morning announcements exclaimed jubilantly that it was FRIDAY, JUNE 1ST! It hit me that we are only 27 days (now only 24 days!!) away from hitting the road. The motor home renovations are coming along, but we still have a lengthy list of things to finish up, repair and organize.  I also thought it would be a good idea if I put together a spreadsheet to start tracking what we have spent on our little adventure.  All our expenses to date are related to renovations and repairs to The King and we've spent about $6500 on that so far.  Not bad considering a new motor home about the same size goes for at least $40,000, but still, it seems like a lot considering we haven't even pulled out of the driveway yet.  I'm feeling a little overwhelmed...
I took some pictures of the inside of the King a few weeks ago. No seats, loose wires, stuff everywhere...what a mess.

Good news, it doesn't look like this anymore. The radio is in and we've pretty much finished the electrical work inside. The only things still not working (that we know of) are the furnace and the oven. We can get the pilot light in the oven to light, but then it goes out, so the husband ordered some parts. He thinks he knows what the problem is. The parts haven't come in yet.

So, where has all that money gone?  Since the teen continues to eat us out of house and home he's now considerably taller than the husband (he's been taller than me since the 5th grade), and no longer fits on the bed made by lowering the table. So, we purchased a “Jackknife” sofa to replace the 2 broken down chairs we pulled out of the main seating area. It looks much nicer and folds down into a bed for the teen. It's also much more comfortable. It still needs to be bolted into place.

We also replaced the mattress in the back part of the cabin.  At 27 years old, the original was in pretty bad shape and considering the amount of sightseeing and walking we plan to do we decided it would be best.  It is, of course, an "odd size" and therefore had to be special ordered.  We're lucky to have a wonderful local company, Otis Bed Manufacturing, that made one exactly the right size in about a week.  I went to pick it up and was rather surprised at the size of the seemed rather small:

The box also had very specific opening instructions and the man who put it in my car reminded me, more than once, not to open the box until we had it INSIDE the motor home.  It was packed in there pretty impressively.

We've made some repairs and improvements outside too. One of the awning brackets had come loose and was clearly at some point going to come off completely. The husband spent the better part of a weekend taking it apart, filing in the old holes with epoxy then repositioning and reattaching the bracket. It works much better now.

Finally, the boys picked out a great mother's day gift! A new spare tire cover!! Here's the old one:

And the new one the boys bought me:

I couldn't agree more!  Now let's just hope we don't need that spare tire!