Friday, September 20, 2013

Still. Not. Done's been a long summer.  We had hoped to be done with construction and settled back in by the first day of school.  We are now 2 weeks into a new school year and while most everything is in place, many things are not.  For example, our contractor put in our new front door today...

Pretty, isn't it.  However, some crucial pieces were missing from the box containing the storm door, so that continues to sit in the garage.

Our counter tops also came this week so the contractor was finally able to install the cook top today.  Yay, pancakes in the morning!

The downside...I may have gone a bit overboard.  The gas line that feeds the boiler is now insufficient to run the cooktop and, you know, heat the house and produce hot water.  Luckily it's supposed to be warm this weekend while we wait for the plumber to come back and install a larger diameter line.

And alas, I haven't had running water in the kitchen since July 6th.  The sink FINALLY came this past week, attached to the countertop.  

Guess what's in the box?  The faucet, which will hopefully also go in next week.  

We've done pretty well despite these last few setbacks and really are down to a handful of knitpicky kinds of details once the plumber finishes up next week.  Since I just cleaned up a bit, here's a shot of the nearly finished project!